Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mootopia: The mooting championship

View the Mootopia Scoreboard here!

Have you ever stayed up at night wondering - which is the best mooting law school in India? No? Then you're probably sane. If you have, you're probably like a lot of other law students, so don't worry overmuch about it.

Is it still NLSIU, Bangalore or have they been dethroned by swashbuckling NUJS, Kolkata? Has it always been GLC, Mumbai with their vast, expansive coffers of AIRs which could put international cricketers to shame? Is it ILS, Pune with their research facilities? Is it unassuming NALSAR, Hyderabad? Bhopal? Jodhpur?


Who? Who is it?!!

Lose no more sleep. Help is at hand. (This means here. Help is here. We'll help decide. Seriously. Read on...) announces the first competition ever of its kind:

Mootopia: The Mooting Championship!

We're watching the top international and national moots and keeping tabs on who's doing well. Based on our scoring mechanism, you will know exactly who wins what and how many times. Have an opinion on this? Feel free to comment on our scoring mechanism: we're waiting for your views before we finalise it! Watch the Leaderboard to see how teams are doing. At the end of the year, we'll be ready to proclaim the Champion of Indian mooting. To view how teams have performed so far, visit our Mootopia Scoreboard!

Right. We announce the best. And then?

And then, a big, fat prize awaits the moot team of the law school that does best. Trust us, we'll make it more than worth your while!

So ladies and gentlemen, grab your reporters. brings you Mootopia - The Mooting Championship!

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